Chapter Event: 19 June 2018 - PMI Sydney Chapter Event - Meet the C Level: Managing Complex Transformations - Management Insights

Join us for the next PMI Sydney Chapter event where you will have a rare and unique opportunity to network with and learn from C-level executives and their insights relating to the three areas of focus for the PMI Talent Triangle, in particular Leadership and Strategic and Business Management.

The focus topic for the panel review will be ‘Managing Complex Transformations” and our expert panel will include Janine Modaro, Director-Transformation al Program Management of KPMG and Ken Sheargold, Chief Executive Officer of PM Partners and will be facilitated by Barbora Muzikant, Director Project Management Consultancy of ACCELR8.

Look forward to seeing you there!

 Panel of Speakers:

 Janine Modaro

Janine Modaro, Director -Transformational Program Management, KPMG

Janine has more than 30 years of experience across multiple industries in leading incremental and transformational change programs. Janine began her career in major professional services firms, delivering projects in Australia, Europe and Asia in industries as diverse as FMCG, Telecommunications, Financial Services, Government and NFP. She recently re-joined the world of Management Consulting after 12 years in corporate leadership in CBA and Telstra, where she led the delivery of managed services to enterprise and government customers. While in corporate life, Janine also led transformational programs, taking large organizations through business changes from digitization, process optimization, outsourcing, and integrating acquisitions. She has also served on Non-For-Profit Boards, governing significant organizational changes and cultural shifts.Janine has learned from her own experience that most transformations evolve from their original aspirations, as do the people who lead them.

Ken Sheargold

Ken Sheargold, Chief Executive officer, PM Partners Group

Ken Sheargold joined PM-Partners group as our Chief Executive Officer in May 2017. Prior to joining PM-Partners group he held executive appointments in the NSW Government and Telstra Corporation. His most recent appointment in Government was the Executive Director, Premiers Implementation Unit directly responsible for supporting the Premier in the delivery of his key priorities across NSW. Prior to working in the Department of Premier and Cabinet he was the Executive Director of ServiceFirst, the shared services organisation responsible for the provision of shared services to the central agencies of NSW government. Prior to joining the NSW Government, he held senior appointments in Telstra Corporation. Those appointments included Executive Director Corporate Strategy and Customer Experience, Executive Director Contact Centre Reform Program and Executive Director Service Advantage. Service Advantage was responsible for national activation and assurance for all Telstra Tier one products. He also represented Telstra Corporation at Federal Government Senate Estimates hearings.


Barbora Muzikant

Barbora Muzikant, Director Project Management Consultancy, ACCELR8

The founder of ACCELR8 Consulting, Barbora Muzikant gained the knowledge, skills and ability to drive multiple strategic organisational transformations through decades of practical application and business leadership. As PMO manager for Siemens AU/NZ and in her role as Project Manager, Barbora excelled in the application of project business practices. This involved developing best practice across the total lifecycle (acquisition, execution, service and operations) and the unique complexities of the various enterprises. Those decades of practical experience led Barbora to identify the need for clear alignment of aspects of the project management process. With this need in mind, Barbora developed her propriety ACCELR8 process and the FLOW system to integrate the various components of project management for optimum outcomes and lasting benefits.

Time: 6:00PM (Networking); 6:30PM to 8:30PM (Event followed by networking)

Date: Tuesday 19th June 2018

Location: 60, Margaret Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

Professional Development Units (PDU): 1 PDU can be claimed for attending this event

Cost:  Free for PMI Sydney Chapter Members (log in first), $20 for Guests

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Evening

Date: June 19th, 2018

Hour: 6:00PM to 8:30PM

Registration close date: June 19th, 2018 at 10:15PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: $18.18

Members: $18.18

Non members and Guests: $18.18


Cliftons (Margaret St)