Fundamentals of Project Management (PMBOK) August 2018

Foundations of Project Management (PMBOK)- Take the Lead

25 August 2018 - 9:30 to 17:00

Industry accepted and acknowledged in over 208 countries

Over 2.9 million people using PMBoK world-wide

This informative and interactive workshop introduces you to the world of project management.  It presents the world's leading approach to project (PMI's Project Management Body of Knowledge - PMBoK) in an easy-to-understand and practical way.

You can start applying your skills in project management straight away - in fact the course is designed around you applying your project management skills on a real project at work!  Don’t worry if you don’t have your own project right now - we’ll provide a simulated project environment so you can enjoy the benefits of applying new skills and knowledge directly into practice.

Who should attend?

This course is for people who need to know how to plan, organise, supervise or deliver projects.  It's for anyone who requires the knowledge to be able to manage tasks to realise benefits.

Without complicated methods and years of experience it allows anyone to competently supervise or deliver a project.

Anyone new to project management will also find value in this course. Occasional or part time project officers and project team members will learn the fundamental and practical skills needed to manage small business and technical projects in the workplace

What other attendees think about the PMBoK® Foundations Course

“As a school principal, it provided me with the confidence to effectively supervise projects and not waste time or money on useless activities”.

"I'd been fumbling about running small projects for years for my organisation without knowing it could have been much easier.  The PMBoK Foundations training was fantastic.  I now am better organised, have my stakeholders on-board, and deal with contract issues without getting frustrated.  I didn't realise how much time and effort I could save using a tool like PMBoK".

"The best course I've done in 10 years.  Informative, practical, and enjoyable!".


This course has no prerequisites

Participant Course Handout Materials

All participants receive course material during the workshop to help plan, organise, staff, coordinate, report and budget their project.


The Foundations courses are presented by professional PMI certified trainers who are experts in their field.   Our professional trainers assist organisations and individuals uplift their capability using portfolio, program & project management skills as well as risk management and business analysis capabilities.

The Venue

Paxus Offices, North Sydney

Dates and Registration

The courses are conducted from 9:30 to 17:00 in air conditioned fully-appointed training rooms.   A break is provided to allow for best effective learning.  

Normal Price                     $  660.00

Member Price:                  $  330.00 (including early bird discount)

All prices include GST.

Group discounts are available for non-members.

Further information can be obtained from Richard Hemsworth ( or Zeynep Soylu (   This course is also available for group in-house training.

PMBoK® Foundations Learning Outcomes

This project management course covers the activities in each of the four processes of project management: planning, executing, controlling and closing.

At the completion of this course you will have learned how to:

  • Manage the trade-offs between time, cost, scope and quality in a project plan.
  • Define the scope and user requirements of a project, and the best means of controlling changes to the scope.
  • Develop a realistic schedule by estimating time, cost and resources.
  • Manage project stakeholders to ensure they remain committed and involved throughout the project.
  • Identify and mitigate risks which could disrupt or damage the project.
  • Use a structured approach to prepare a project plan, incorporating a schedule, a simple budget and specific outputs/deliverables for each step of the plan.
  • Determine project quality objectives and identify appropriate controls to ensure the desired outcomes are achieved.
  • Use methods for timely and accurate reporting of progress against plan.
  • Manage crises arising from the project’s work and stakeholder assumptions.
  • Ensure appropriate resources for the project are obtained.
  • Manage the project team and retain its productivity.

Both traditional and agile techniques are used as examples.

Delivery Style

This course is delivered as an interactive workshop consisting of instructor-led presentations, group and individual activities. This training approach allows participants to work through concepts in an application-focused learning environment. Participants will challenge their understanding of the concepts and consider their application once back in their individual workplace.

Course Content


  • Project Management overview and terminology
  • Characteristics of projects & typical project problems

Project Initiation & Stakeholders

  • Project start-up activities, including defining the objectives and project constraints
  • Managing stakeholders


  • Planning process/workflow
  • Gathering requirements, defining scope and managing scope changes
  • Scheduling
  • Time and cost estimating & contingency
  • Managing project risks and meeting stakeholder requirements

Project execution

  • Leading project teams
  • Status reporting and correcting variances to plan

Managing Project Closure

  • Project closure – admin steps
  • Contract closure checklists

Course wrap-up

  • Review of key course concepts

Certification and PDUs

This course partially satisfies the training requirements for Project Management Institute’s Project Management Professional (PMP) qualification and all the underlying knowledge requirements for the The Australian Institute of Project Management’s Certified Practising Project Manager (CPPM) certification.

A certificate of completion is issued for the course indicating the content and standard.

This project management course offers six Professional Development Units (PDUs). For those seeking PDUs for Project Management Institute (PMI) accreditation, reference codes will be provided to participants at the completion of this course.  PDUs are valid for six years for those seeking accreditation for the first time or three years for those seeking to renew accreditation.

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Professional Development

Date: August 25th, 2018

Hour: 9:30AM to 5:00PM

Registration close date: August 22nd, 2018 at 12:00AM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: $600.00

Members: $600.00

Non members and Guests: $600.00


Paxus Offices - North Sydney