PMI Sydney Event: 27 August 2018 - How Multi-tasking Damages Project Lead Times and What To Do About It

Andrew Kay will be running a uniquely structured group collaborative workshop on "How Multi-tasking damages project lead times and what to do about it"

The aim is to expose a major problem in project execution caused by multi-tasking and to find simple and effective solutions to avoid this phenomenon and deliver projects in less time.

Join us to know more about the nature of multi-tasking, its prevalence in single & multi-project environments, hear about Critical Chain Project Management Method and heaps more.

Key outcomes/insights:

  • The nature of multi-tasking and how it causes significant increases in task durations. 
  • How this behaviour is prevalent in single and multi-project environments.
  • How multi-tasking potentially extends project lead times by 25% or more.
  • Practical steps to avoid this behaviour syndrome and reduce risk of project overruns.
  • The insights can be applied immediately any project environment to reduce the time it takes to deliver projects.
  • Increased awareness of Critical Chain Project Management Method concepts 

Workshop phases:

  1. Brief introduction to the topic outlining the problem of multitasking, its causes and impacts with group participation
  2. Participants will form into project teams and conduct experiments using a multitasking simulation game with two contrasting scenarios to demonstrate the effects of multitasking.  
  3. Participants will record and measure results, observe behaviours, discuss and review outcomes and highlight insights gained.
  4. Q&A session
  5. Practical solutions that can be implemented straight away
  6. Where to find out more.
  7. Conclusions and feedback

Look forward to seeing you at the event.

About your Presenter:


Andrew has a long successful consulting career in implementing business improvement initiatives in capital city government, large private sector and government agencies. Past clients include, Phillips Electronics, Sydney Opera House, AV Jennings Group Home Builders, Stryker Medical, Canberra Hospital. Andrew was also the marketing and operations manager of First Business Finance the first Australian micro finance facility modeled on the Gremeen Bank, Bangladesh.

In 2001 Andrew discovered Theory of Constraints and found it so compelling that he joined a NZ TOC firm and after a highly successful tenure in 2007 established TOC3 based in Sydney serving Asia Pacific.

“The attraction” says Andrew “is easy! The inherent simplicity, clarity and logic of TOC and the sheer speed it offers in generating massive results has no peer in any other business improvement field of practice”.

Andrew emphasizes that “Everyone interested in business improvement should read The Goal by Dr Eli Goldratt; he also reflects that the TOC methods and thinking skills are orders of magnitude greater than anything he had come across before. They are truly breakthrough technologies.” And “when you understand TOC you can then really get the most out of Lean and Six Sigma”.

Andrew works with world class TOC Practitioners and is actively engaged in the international TOC community.

TOC Competency

Andrew has been educated by:

  • Dr Eli Goldratt, Eli Schragenheim, Allan Leader, Dr Roy Stratton & Philip Viljoen, (Goldratt Schools)
  • Dr Ted Hutchin (UK ), I J Nunn and Associates – CCPM
  • Dr Lisa Lang and Brad Stilhan, Science of Business (USA) • And many other leading TOC experts.

  • 80+ successfully delivered TOC project implementations across many industry sectors in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Singapore & the UAE
  • 200+ dynamic and engaging education workshops and mentoring programs.
  • Commenced TOC practice Feb. 2001
  • Trained/educated more than 1350 people in workshops covering Operations (DBR and Buffer Management), Project Management (Critical Chain), Distribution Logistics (Replenishment), Management Decision Making and Measurement (Throughput Accounting), Sales Solution (Mafia Offer), Management and Leadership Skills (TOC Thinking Tools) and Behaviour Management
  • International speaker, presenting practical talks / seminars / workshops on TOC and TOC/Lean to Industry Associations and Groups including AIGroup, APICS, NSW Business Chamber, Enterprise Connect, Project Management Institute and Australian Manufacturers for Excellence

    Personal satisfaction: Helping business owners, managers and their people work together under one system to quickly advance toward their own elusive goals. Also working with government agencies for same.

    Continuously applies TOC thinking processes to improve project implementation methods and is a specialist in rapid implementation methods for TOC solutions. Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, USA, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia

Time: 6:00PM (Networking); 6:30PM to 8:30PM (Event followed by networking)

Date: Monday 27th August 2018

Location: Cliftons 60, Margaret Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

Professional Development Units (PDU): 2 PDU's can be claimed for attending this event.

Cost:  Free for PMI Sydney Chapter Members (log in first), $20 for Guests

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Evening

Date: August 27th, 2018

Hour: 6:00PM to 8:30PM

Registration close date: August 27th, 2018 at 10:15PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: $18.18

Members: $18.18

Non members and Guests: $18.18


Cliftons (Margaret St)