Brain Based Leadership- September 2018

Brain Based Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

15 September 2018 - 9:00 to 17:00

Your role as a project manager is to bring about organisational change. Success in project delivery is no longer contained to “within time, agreed budget and according to requirements”. There are clear links between understanding how our brain works, emotional capability and productivity. The brain based and emotionally intelligent project manager is more creative, solves problems better and more quickly, lives longer and enjoys higher levels of leadership influence.

There are three key factors that are fully related and enable the genuine transformation that is part of what a project is about. These include self awareness, self management and the ability to understand and relate to others. When you understand these alongside what neuroscience is teaching us about how are brains operate, you are more effectively able manage the complex role of motivating and energising people towards the achievement of a common goal.

Join Silvia as she takes you on journey towards raising your awareness of brain based project management leadership.

The workshop will cover the following key areas:

  • Understanding your brain and the neuroscience of leadership
  • Emotions and the brain
  • An introduction to emotional intelligence
  • A brain based model for understanding behaviour
  • Tools for developing brain based leadership

The program will be a blended learning experience of presentation and experiential learning

Target Audience

This workshop is targeted at both project and program managers who are interested in developing their emotional maturity and leadership capability.

What others are saying

 “The content of this course is applicable on so many levels. It was practical as well as theoretical. This is the kind of material that makes a good project manager and is not really covered in the PMP certification but makes all the difference” – Erik, Sydney, Australia

 “The presenter did an excellent job in conveying the material to us and keeping it interesting for the whole day.” – Participant, Sydney, Australia

 “Silvia de Ridder is one of the better presenters in this area. It is clear Silvia is very knowledgeable and passionate about EI” – Sergio, Sydney, Australia

 Workshop Presenter

Silvia de Ridder – Executive Coach, Facilitator and Change Management Consultant – Unconscious Potential Pty Ltd

Silvia de Ridder is managing director of Unconscious Potential. She works with organisations in the areas of strategy, leadership, people, organisation systems, process and structure. What makes Silvia unique and well positioned to add value is the combination of coaching, facilitation and change management capability with a background in engineering and project management. Silvia brings a level of knowing to the training and coaching of engineers, project managers and technical personnel to develop business and behavioural skills. Silvia has an understanding of not only the technical challenges but more so the human elements of leadership - emotional Intelligence, soft skills and the people side of change. She has also completed further studies in Positive Psychology, emotional intelligence and Neuroleadership.

The Venue

Paxus Offices, CBD Sydney

Dates and Registration

The courses are conducted from 9:30 to 17:00 in air conditioned fully-appointed training rooms.   A break is provided to allow for best effective learning.  

Normal Price                     $  660.00

Member Price:                  $  330.00 (including early bird discount)

All prices include GST.

Group discounts are available for non-members.

Further information can be obtained from Richard Hemsworth ( or Zeynep Soylu (   This course is also available for group in-house training.

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Professional Development

Date: September 15th, 2018

Hour: 9:30AM to 5:00PM

Registration close date: September 12th, 2018 at 12:00AM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: $600.00

Members: $600.00

Non members and Guests: $600.00