PMI Sydney Chapter Evening Event: 21 August 2019 - The Psychology of change

The Psychology of Change

Achieving project outcomes means getting people to do something different. The best project strategy will not achieve its objective if your people are slow to embrace change.

Ignoring or delaying action on the people side of project management results in resistance, delays and failure to meet efficiency and performance targets. Likewise, the challenge for today’s program and project managers is to gain airtime and support for their initiative, from key stakeholders who may already be experiencing change fatigue.

Most project managers recognise the need to strengthen their capabilities to quickly overcome resistance, foster collaboration or cultivate a culture of innovation and change agility, but many do not know how to most effectively build these organisational and personal skills.

To quickly realise the return on your investment and avoid performance reductions during planning and implementation, project managers need to know how to quickly influence, guide and inspire people often in situations that are characterised by uncertainty and ambiguity.

Recent neuroscience provides methods program and project managers can use to mitigate common, people-related pitfalls that can slow or derail projects.

Understanding how human brains respond to challenge and change, what impedes adaptation and what is required for people to learn, assists project managers to cultivate a culture that fosters flexibility, learning and performance. These informed project managers know how to achieve on time, on budget projects and use the experience as a springboard to build individual resilience while strengthening the organisation.

Practical Takeaways from this Workshop:

This interactive workshop provides leaders with a new approach and includes easy-to implement, science-based methods to address resistance, conflict and slowness to adapt. Participants will:

  • Gain insight into the brain’s natural reactions when dealing with changes – why people react the way they do and how to respond effectively.
  • Learn neuroscience-based, practical techniques to facilitate the mindset and behaviours to reduce resistance and avoid unhelpful/reactive behavioural patterns.
  • Learn tools to maintain and enhance performance and wellbeing while transforming the business

Your Presenter

 Dr. Connie Henson is the author of BrainWise Leadership: Practical neuroscience to survive and thrive at work, the founder and Managing Director of Learning Quest, and the creator of Learning Quest’s science based Mind Management™ methodology.

Learning Quest

Connie has international experience facilitating cultural change and business transformation, and diverse industry experience including corporate, SME, not-for-profit and government.

A lively presenter, Connie’s passion for the science of ‘how people work’ enables her to apply the most current research and techniques in a way that is both practical and entertaining. Her talks encourage high interaction and quickly get people thinking and working differently.

 Date: 21st August 2019

Arrive: 6:00 PM
Presentation: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Depart: 9:00 PM
Location: Castlereagh Boutique Hotel, 169 Castlereagh St, Sydney NSW 2000
Professional Development Units (PDU): 1 PDU can be claimed for attending this event.
Cost: Free for PMI Sydney Chapter Members (log in first), $40 for Guests
Note: If you are a PMI Sydney Chapter member, before registering for this event, please log in to via the home page. Refunds may not be provided to members who have forgotten to log in first. If you have an issue logging in before registering for the event, please contact with your issue and do not register until the issue is resolved first.

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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Evening

Date: August 21st, 2019

Hour: 6:00PM to 9:00PM

Registration close date: August 21st, 2019 at 6:30PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: $36.36

Members: $36.36

Non members and Guests: $36.36


Castlereagh Boutique Hotel