PMI Sydney Chapter Evening Event : 18 November 2019 - An Evening with Victor Dominello, NSW Minister for Customer Service
PMI Sydney Chapter interviews Victor Dominello
Minister Dominello heads the Customer Service cluster within the NSW Government, with an authority to plan, prioritise, fund and drive digital transformation and customer service across every cluster in the NSW Government.
This includes the transition towards automation, artificial intelligence, robotics and the next generation jobs. The new cluster seeks to deliver efficiencies in how services are delivered through digital platforms.
Victor Dominello in previous years has held positions of Minister of Finance, Services and Property; and Minister of Innovation & Better Regulation amongst others.
Join PMI Sydney Chapter to learn at first hand, some of the plans Minister Dominello may share with us as he takes NSW on a Journey to deliver digital services using a combination of technologies.
We look forward to seeing you at the event.
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