PMI Sydney Chapter End of Year Christmas Event
Join Us for a Festive Evening of Showtime and Activities
We look forward to seeing you at the event.
Date: 11th December 2019
Arrive: 6:00 PM
Evening activities & Welcome: 6:30 PM
President's Message & Festive Shows: 6:35PM
Festive Shows conclude: 8:00PM
Social activities: 8:00PM - 9:00PM
Evening Closure: 9:00 PM
Location: Doltone House. Manhattan & Avenue Rooms, 181 Elizabeth Street, Hyde Park. Sydney NSW 2000
Cost: Free for PMI Sydney Chapter Members (log in first), $90 for Guests
Please note that numbers are limited. Please cancel your registration if you know you cannot attend, to permit others to attend.
Professional Development Units (PDU): 1 PDU can be claimed for attending this event.
Note: If you are a PMI Sydney Chapter member, before registering for this event, please first log into via the home page. Refunds may not be provided to members who have forgotten to log in first. If you have an issue logging in before registering for the event, please contact with your issue and do not register until the issue is resolved. %MCEPASTEBIN%