Intake1 Kickoff Session for Mentees
Host: PMI Sydney Chapter Mentoring Program Team
Date: Wednesday 12th February 2020
Arrive: 6:00 PM
Presentation: 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Depart: 9:00 PM
Location: Club York – York 2 room - 95-99 York St, Sydney NSW 2000.
Please plan to arrive 5 min earlier so we can start on time.
We will offer light refreshments/snacks in the break.
Cost: $50 for mentees
Please register for this event only if you have applied as a mentee for this Intake and AFTER you have received confirmation that you have been matched with a mentor.
Note: You must be a PMI Sydney Chapter member to participate in the Mentoring Program. Before registering for this event, please be sure to first log into via the home page. If you have an issue logging in before registering for the event, please contact with your issue and do not register before the issue is resolved.
It is no longer possible to register for this event