PMI Sydney Chapter Evening Event: 9 July 2020 - Portfolio Balancing: A critical part of portfolio management that is often neglected

Portfolio Balancing - A critical part of portfolio management that is often neglected

Portfolio management has two focus areas. Choosing the right projects (Portfolio Definition) and then delivering them (Portfolio Delivery).

Nowadays portfolio delivery is pretty well understood. Organisations appreciate they have limited capacity and a portfolio of projects they have committed to deliver. Often when organisations are looking for a “Portfolio Manager” they want someone who will take charge of this environment and get the projects over the line; in other words, a “Portfolio Delivery Manager.”

Less well practised is the first area of portfolio definition. Some organisations just go with the flow and see what projects emerge and make decisions as they go along, others may go through a prioritisation process and execute the highest priority projects first.

Less common is an effective portfolio balancing approach. Portfolio balancing ensures that the overall portfolio delivers the best outcome for the organisation from the limited resources and capability that it has. Simply delivering the highest priority projects can result in a poorer overall outcome.

The presentation describes how to achieve the best results using all the steps in the portfolio definition process.

A mature portfolio balancing methodology means that when the unexpected happens (such as CoViD-19) organisations are better placed to know how to deal with it.

 Your Presenter:

Graham Colborne July 2020

Graham Colborne - PfMP FAIM - is an accomplished senior leader with a well-regarded track record of enabling organisations deliver optimal value from their investment in projects. He ensures that the organisations’ senior management and stakeholders have the visibility and controls to allow them to make informed decisions with confidence. In brief, he enables organisations to deliver the right projects in the right way.


He has defined enterprise level project solutions for many organisations in various industry sectors, each tailored to the specific needs of the business. 

Professionally, he was elected Chapter President of the Project Management Institute (WA) and has served as Vice President on two occasions. He is one of only twenty-six people in Australia to hold PMI’s Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP) accreditation.

He has been awarded fellowships of the Australian Institute of Management and the Association for Project Management.  He was a Reviewer for the Management of Portfolios standard by Axelos.

Graham has presented on the concepts of the project disciplines at various conferences around Australia and has served as a Mentor for both the Australian Institute of Management and PMI. He was invited on to PMI’s prestigious “Global Executive Council.” This year he is one of the judges for the PMO Global Awards for the third consecutive year. He has been awarded the Project Management Institute’s National Award for “Distinguished Contribution” to the profession.

Log Online: 5:45PM
Event Start: 6:00PM
EvenFinish: 7:30 PM
Cost: Free for PMI members and guests
Location: Online. A Zoom link will be sent to registrants.
Professional Development Units (PDU): 1 PDU can be claimed by members for attending this event.

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Evening

Date: July 9th, 2020

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:30PM

Registration close date: July 9th, 2020 at 6:00PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free