PMI Sydney Sponsored Meetup : PMI Toastmasters Club 2021 Speechcraft Course - Part 5
PMI Toastmasters Club: 7 April 2021
PMI Toastmasters Club 2021 Speechcraft Course - Part 5
Looking for a quick boost to your public speaking?
PMI Toastmasters Club is offering a six week Speechcraft Course on Wednesday nights at 6.30pm starting 3rd March 2021 at the Sydney Mechanics School of Arts 280 Pitt St Sydney.
- Learn to give confident presentations. You will be more persuasive and confident in giving presentations, and you will improve your one‐on‐one dealings with others.
- Learn impromptu speaking. Developing the skill to think on your feet, and learning how not to be tongue‐tied when you’re suddenly asked that question that you weren’t prepared for.
- Develop greater self‐confidence. As you develop confidence in public speaking, you’ll have greater confidence in many other areas of your personal and professional life.
What happens at a Speechcraft course?
- Each week you will learn about a new skill such as structuring a speech, voice modulation, eye contact, gesturing and effective speech writing. Before the next session, you prepare a 3‐5 minute speech to put each new skill directly into practice.
- After giving a prepared speech each participant receives a constructive speech evaluation. This process recognises speakers for their strengths and provides valuable guidance on how future presentations may be improved.
- During each meeting, a “Table Topics” session is conducted to help participants learn to think on their feet by delivering short impromptu speeches.
- Each participant receives a Toastmasters Speechcraft Handbook plus other materials prepared by the Club.
- You will also have the opportunity to join as a member of the club at the end of the course
And you’ll learn to love the applause!!
- Don’t worry! Everyone who starts a Speechcraft course is close to the level you are now. The environment is friendly and supportive, and experienced Toastmasters are there to guide and encourage you the whole time as you build confidence with each speaking assignment.
- And you’ll learn to love the applause! Constructive evaluation is the heart of the Speechcraft program. Each time you give a prepared speech, an evaluator will point out strengths and also suggest improvements for future presentations.
How do I join the PMI Toastmasters Speechcraft Course?
Contact Narelle Stoll our VP Membership to register –, only those who have registered and paid can commence the course. Cost is $130 for all 6 sessions.
Be quick as places are limited.
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