PMI Sydney Chapter Evening Event: 07 October 2021 - Why (leaky) Pipelines of Talent Matter: Lessons from the Nuclear Industry
Why (leaky) Pipelines of Talent Matter: Lessons from the Nuclear Industry
We’re used to hearing slogans abound on how ‘people are our greatest asset’, about ‘pipelines of talent’ and how much ‘diversity matters’. But what evidence is there that this makes a positive or tangible difference to the delivery of our projects and their outcomes?
This presentation will discuss case studies from the global nuclear industry, as well as covering some of the latest research on the advantages, and the pitfalls, of harnessing diverse talent for our global project teams.
Jasmin combines serious tech, engineering safety and an appreciation for design across some of the most challenging environments, from high-altitude mountaineering to becoming the first Australian woman to both commission and operate a nuclear reactor.
Jasmin is currently a postgraduate lecturer in project management at Torrens University, underpinned by two decades of experience in leading projects in the public sector, as well as in technology & defence industry.
Jasmin is the new Director for Volunteering & Academic Outreach for PMI Sydney and a Fellow of the Institute of Managers and Leaders (ANZ).
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