PMISC Event - 08th August 2023 - “Psychological Safety: The heart of the high performing team”

Power Skills



PMISC Event - 08th August 2023


“Psychological Safety: The heart of the high performing team”



More than 50 years of research has shown that the one factor that sustainablyhigh performing teams have in common is psychological safety. This applies
to all types of teams in all kinds of organisations. But psychological safety is
not something that can be built into teams, it cannot be engineered into
processes, and it cannot be recruited into your organisation. It is a quality that 
emerges when the right conditions are created. But what are these
conditions? What difference does psychological safety make to the team, and 
how? And what can you do to increase the likelihood of psychological safety
emerging in your team?




Speaker - Dr Peter Brace


Dr Peter Brace is a Psychological Safety Consultant, and works to empower leaders and employees in the Asia-Pacific region by assessing and improving psychological safety in the workplace. He is co-founder and CEO at Human Capital Realisation, and has broad and deep experience in the use of technology to improve business outcomes, including human resources/people and culture, customer relationship management, international consulting, sales and project management. Peter has worked in a wide range of industries and organisations, helping some of Australia’s largest companies with their strategic direction, as well as working across the Asia-Pacific region for prominent multinational organisations such as IBM and BMC. He has a Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology and a PhD in Philosophy, focussing on complex adaptive systems (such as teams) and how emotions affect behaviour.


Event Details:

Date: 8th August 2023

Arrive: 6 PM

Meeting: 6:30 PM to 8 PM

Depart: 9 PM

Venue : Castlereagh Botique Hotel, 169 Castlereagh St, Sydney NSW 2000

Professional Development Units (PDU): 1 PDU can be claimed for attending this event.


It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Evening

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: August 8th, 2023

Hour: 6:00PM to 9:00PM

Registration close date: August 8th, 2023 at 4:00PM

# of PDUs: 1


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: $35.00


Castlereagh Boutique Hotel

169 Castlereagh St
Sydney, NSW, 2000

[Click here for Map and Directions]