PMI Sydney Chapter Full Day Event : 21 October 2019 - Project Management Day of Service (PMDoS)

PMI Sydney Chapter Full Day Event : 21 October 2019 - Project Management Day of Service (PMDoS)

What is PMDoS?

Project Management Day of Service (PMDoS) is an event whereby PMI members are partnered with charities and not-for-profit organizations (NfPO) to offer a unique service that has been pioneered by PMI. PMI members will partner with their designated charities or NfPO to provide a solution or strategy to drive their client initiatives forward.

The PMDoS has been conducted in several locations in the U.S. e.g. Houston, Washington DC and New York.

In Australia, PMDoS has become a national event and is usually held simultaneously on the same day by other PMI chapters. PMI Queensland has been successfully holding their event for the past 3 years whilst PMI Sydney held its very successful inaugural event in 2018. Other chapters are starting small. PMDoS is promising to be an outstanding opportunity to learn and turn ideas into reality.

What's new this year?

For the very first time PMI Sydney Chapter will host the event in collaboration with two highly respectable organisations: The Australian Chapter of the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) and Humanity in Business. This joint effort will allow PM professionals to leverage a wider skillset to deepen the combined professional contributions to charity organisations.

PMI Members - how you can be a part of PMDoS

Promote the VALUE of project management to charities by clarifying its unique value proposition
• Increase VISIBILITY of the project management profession
• Redefine project management as an “INTENTIONAL PROFESSION”
• Expand your NETWORK by working with like-minded professionals
• Enable you to MAINTAIN your professional standing by earning up to eight Professional Development Unit’s (PDU’s)
• Enhance the STATUS of PMI Sydney and its members as a community, business, and professional resource
• Tangibly SERVE your community by giving them one day of your time and expertise to help them define solutions to their issues
• Build on your resume and strengthen your career
• Opportunity to PROMOTE your personal brand on social media

More information for PMI members as consultants:

Register here to participate:  

PMI Members - How does it work?
Prior to the day, the consulting team (Two or Three project managers) will be provided with a factsheet of initiative(s) from the Charity organisations. The consulting team will perform prior research and prepare for the day, to advance those initiatives. Each organisation can send up to five representatives who will speak to the specific initiative they wish to tackle at the event. Seated at the same table, you will partner the charity through the day to deliver those artefacts which will supplement the goals of the Charity and drive them to the next level of the Charity’s Objectives.


Date: 21 October 2019
Registration: 8:00AM - 9:00AM
Partner with Charity/NfPO: 9:00AM - 4:30PM
Location: Atlassian, Level 6, 341 George St. Sydney NSW 2000.
Professional Development Units (PDU): 8 PDUs can be claimed for attending this event.

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Full Day

Date: October 21st, 2019

Hour: 8:00AM to 4:30PM

Registration close date: September 30th, 2019 at 5:00PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free