Expression of Interest for Speakers - Form
PMISC - 4th April 2023 - This project called … LIFE
PMI Sydney Toastmasters - 5th April 2023 - Overcome Shyness, Banish nerves, Speak with confidence in work and life
Women in Projects Australia: Social Networking
PMI Sydney Toastmasters - 19th April 2023 - Overcome Shyness, Banish nerves, Speak with confidence in work and life
PMISC - 27th April 2023 - Putting purpose back into innovation
Payment for PMI SC March 2023 Mentoring Program
Name of the activity
PMISC - 4th April 2023 - This project called … LIFE
Type of category: Evening
Date: April 4th, 2023
Hour: 6:00PM to 8:00PM
Registration close date: April 3rd, 2023 at 5:00PM
# of PDUs: 0
Title: “This project called … LIFE" Bio: Jürgen Oschadleus is an international speaker, educator, consultant and coach on project leadership, influence and effective communication. He combines his background in history, teaching and technology projects with a fascination for sport and psychology, and uses this to challenge people’s thinking and help them create new mental connections, apply knowledge and achieve the outcomes they seek. With almost 30 years of education, strategic consulting, systems deployment and leadership development projects on five continents, Jürgen has been exposed to numerous industries in the commercial and public sector. He is the founder of Act Knowledge, an independent certified coach, trainer and speaker with the John Maxwell Team, presents postgraduate classes in the AGSM@UNSW Business School, and is active various industry and professional groups. Jürgen still plays football in his local O45 league. Session Summary: Life is unpredictable. We set goals, we make plans, we assess risks – and then LIFE happens! 2020, the year often associated with clear vision, turned out to be the start of a murky time in human history. Organisationally and individually, we have had to navigate through a fog of chaos and complexity in the years since the start of the pandemic, the war, recession, …. As practitioners in the project management industry, we should be accustomed to this. After all, hasn’t our discipline historically been about managing uncertainty? We’ve talked of the ‘new normal’, but how do we navigate these unprecedented times? Not just to survive, but to emerge stronger and better than before? How do we lead our society, our organisations, our projects, our families and even ourselves, when there seems to be so little certainty to anything? Join Act Knowledge founder and director Jürgen Oschadleus as he illustrates how the fundamental principles of project management – the skills, the capabilities, and the tools – can be applied to our own lives, as well as our projects and organisations, to help bring clarity, structure and focus. The presentation revisits fundamental concepts but with a fresh and engaging perspective on how we, individually and corporately, can make sense of the world and our mandate, in order to not only survive but thrive in these turbulent times. Key points: When confronted by the overwhelmingly complex challenges of the post-2020 world, the application of fundamental project management principles can help us navigate uncertainty and work towards achievable outcomes. Projects can be loosely classified into four broad types, based on the degree of certainty we have on both outcomes and approaches (Obeng 1994; Turner & Cochrane 1994; Snowden & Boone 2007). Understanding the characteristics of these types helps us develop appropriate approaches and define relevant capabilities to tackle specific projects, and to develop capability uplift frameworks for our own career development, as well as for resourcing organisational project and program portfolios. How to apply the foundational building block of projects to managing life … Date: Tuesday 4th April 2023 Arrive: 6 PM Meeting: 6:30 PM to 8 PM Depart: 9 PM Venue : Castlereagh Boutique Hotel Professional Development Units (PDU): 1 PDU can be claimed for attending this event. Cost: FREE FOR PMI MEMBERS
Students: $30.00
Members: $30.00
Non members and Guests: $30.00
It is no longer possible to register for this event
PMI Sydney Toastmasters - 5th April 2023 - Overcome Shyness, Banish nerves, Speak with confidence in work and life
Type of category: Evening
Date: April 5th, 2023
Hour: 6:15PM to 8:30PM
Registration close date: April 4th, 2023 at 9:15PM
# of PDUs: 0
PMI Sydney Toastmasters club is one of Toastmasters International clubs. Overcome Shyness, Banish nerves, Speak with confidence in work and life. Toastmasters International (TI) is a USA headquartered educational organization that operates clubs worldwide for the purpose of helping members improve their communication, public speaking, and leadership skills. Through its thousands of member clubs, Toastmasters International offers a program of communication and leadership projects designed to help people learn the arts of speaking, listening, and thinking. This meetup group lists club meetings and events. We are a friendly, welcoming group who are interested in improving our public speaking and leadership skills. Whether your goal is to enhance your professional presentation skills, gain confidence in addressing an audience, we find that doing it in the company of like-minded people can be a lot of fun. Meetings include both impromptu and prepared speaking practice. We meet in the city on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month, 6:15 PM. Visiting the club for the first time is free of charge. Club officers are happy to support and provide detailed information should the visitor is interested to be the member of the club going forward. Currently, the club's membership fee is A$90 per 6 months. Date: Wednesday, 5th of April 2023 Time: 6:15 PM to 8:30 PM Venue: SMSA - Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney (near Town Hall)
Students: Free
Members: Free
Non members and Guests: Free
It is no longer possible to register for this event
Women in Projects Australia: Social Networking
Type of category: Women in Project Management
Date: April 18th, 2023
Hour: 6:00PM to 8:00PM
Registration close date: April 17th, 2023 at 6:00PM
# of PDUs: 0
Join Women in Projects Australia for some good old fashioned networking! Discuss your current project, your pain points, your celebrations and meet some other people that work in the Project Space - you never know who you will work with on your next project, who will be your next client, or where your next role might come from. We are here to develop the confidence and skills of our group to ensure they can go after their goals and dreams. Look forward to catching up with you!
Students: Free
Members: Free
Non members and Guests: Free
It is no longer possible to register for this event
PMI Sydney Toastmasters - 19th April 2023 - Overcome Shyness, Banish nerves, Speak with confidence in work and life
Type of category: Evening
Date: April 19th, 2023
Hour: 6:15PM to 8:30PM
Registration close date: April 18th, 2023 at 9:15PM
# of PDUs: 0
PMI Sydney Toastmasters club is one of Toastmasters International clubs. Overcome Shyness, Banish nerves, Speak with confidence in work and life. Toastmasters International (TI) is a USA headquartered educational organization that operates clubs worldwide for the purpose of helping members improve their communication, public speaking, and leadership skills. Through its thousands of member clubs, Toastmasters International offers a program of communication and leadership projects designed to help people learn the arts of speaking, listening, and thinking. This meetup group lists club meetings and events. We are a friendly, welcoming group who are interested in improving our public speaking and leadership skills. Whether your goal is to enhance your professional presentation skills, gain confidence in addressing an audience, we find that doing it in the company of like-minded people can be a lot of fun. Meetings include both impromptu and prepared speaking practice. We meet in the city on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month, 6:15 PM. Visiting the club for the first time is free of charge. Club officers are happy to support and provide detailed information should the visitor is interested to be the member of the club going forward. Currently, the club's membership fee is A$90 per 6 months. Date: Wednesday, 19 th April 2023 Time: 6:15 PM to 8:30 PM Venue: SMSA - Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney (near Town Hall)
Students: Free
Members: Free
Non members and Guests: Free
It is no longer possible to register for this event
PMISC - 27th April 2023 - Putting purpose back into innovation
Type of category: Evening
Date: April 27th, 2023
Hour: 6:00PM to 8:00PM
Registration close date: April 26th, 2023 at 5:00PM
# of PDUs: 0
Title: “Putting purpose back into innovation” Bio: Michael Scheelhardt is a keynote speaker, coach and facilitator who has successfully supported teams to think differently about designing project experiences that delivers client innovation with impact for mutual growth. With clients including Oracle, Vodafone and Bang & Olufsen he has helped some of the world’s most successful brands navigate the complexity of managing innovation of products and services to develop compelling experiences that people want to buy. Michael is a regular speaker at conferences, AI Summits and other events across JAPAC on topics of innovation, emerging technologies and sales innovation through entrepreneurship techniques “The Serendipity Walk” and storytelling. Michael’s experience with innovation leadership and hands on techniques means he is ideally suited to present these important and topical subjects and does it in a way that is highly accessible, informative, non-technical, engaging and inclusive. Michael has led Oracle’s innovation program, purposed to help clients build an innovation competency through Human Centred Design and cloud capabilities. His philosophy is…”always keep our clients “customers, employees or suppliers” at the centre our attention and with empathy for What jobs are they trying to get done? What outcomes are they trying to achieve?” Understanding the problem is critical prior to suggesting a solution that delivers a better experience. With a burning passion for and deep knowledge of innovation, selling and managing projects, Michael believes that sharing knowledge about novel techniques for managing innovation and develop compelling value propositions is his true path and purpose. Session Summary: Innovation is used in many contexts, however, how can we define it with purpose in comparison to an invention? This session will provide a framework to define and apply innovation strategies to solve customer problems and looks at innovation from the perspective of delivering a better experience. Discover the power of “experiences” and understand how they can help a company grow by reaching new customers or expanding into new markets. Companies that create experiences have a competitive advantage by delivering on a more complete set of customer needs, which makes experiences more difficult to copy. Experiences can also increase customer loyalty and the value of your brand. In the rise of companies’ pursuit to constantly grow at faster pace, lower cost and greater profit margins, they have a need to look across corporate boundaries and design business models that are open for contributors in their ecosystems. Known as Open Innovation, we will look at ways to think holistically about managing innovation and design platforms with incentives for external parties to contribute with value and profit from a shared business model. To help you on the journey to lead projects that are truly innovative, you will learn a framework to collect insights and turn these into profitable experiences that customers want to buy. Key points: How to define innovation vs invention How innovation as experiences can deliver added value How the eco-system partners can accelerate innovation and growth Learn the mindset of platform thinking to develop competitive advantages Learn about Human Centred Design and Agile Development to develop more compelling projects. Date: April 27th April 2023 Arrive: 6 PM Meeting: 6:30 PM to 8 PM Depart: 9 PM Venue : Castlereagh Botique Hotel Professional Development Units (PDU): 1 PDU can be claimed for attending this event. Cost: FREE FOR PMI MEMBERS
Students: $30.00
Members: $30.00
Non members and Guests: $30.00
It is no longer possible to register for this event
Payment for PMI SC March 2023 Mentoring Program
Type of category: Professional Development
Date: April 28th, 2023
Hour: 12:00AM to 12:00AM
Registration close date: April 28th, 2023 at 12:00AM
# of PDUs: 0
Dear PMI SC Mentoring Program Applicants, Please used this registration for the payment of the mentoring program. Kind regards, PMI SC Mentoring Team
Students: $55.00
Members: $55.00
Non members and Guests: $55.00
It is no longer possible to register for this event